Category: Scriptures – Plus More

  • How Many Generations Are There Between Abraham And Jesus?

    How Many Generations Are There Between Abraham And Jesus?

    An interesting question is how many generations there are between Abraham and Jesus and why it even matters. This does matter because Matthew wrote this in the first chapter of his book- The Book of Matthew, at the very beginning of the New Testament. There are 42 generations between Abraham and Jesus. Matthew divided these…

  • Who Came First, Noah, Adam, Or Abraham?

    Who Came First, Noah, Adam, Or Abraham?

    If you are reading the Bible, it can be confusing to precisely the order of the prophets. Some of the more popular prophets are Noah, Abraham, and Adam. Adam came to the earth first and is considered the first man to live on the planet. Noah is also related to Adam, but ten generations separate…

  • Why Did Matthew Start His Gospel With The Ancestors Of Jesus?

    Why Did Matthew Start His Gospel With The Ancestors Of Jesus?

    When you read the New Testament, many people are surprised to learn that the very beginning of the New Testament in the Gospel of Matthew, the very first 17 verses talk about the genealogy of Jesus. It goes through all the ancestors of Jesus from the beginning of time until he was born. Matthew started…

  • What Does It Mean When The Bible Says To Avoid Genealogies In Titus 3:9?

    What Does It Mean When The Bible Says To Avoid Genealogies In Titus 3:9?

    Many people feel that some of the scriptures are telling people to avoid doing any genealogy in the Bible. The problem with this is that it can get confusing when taken out of context. In Titus 3:9, the Apostle Paul was not condemning genealogy. Instead, the Apostle Paul was warning us about bragging about our…