Here is a list of some of the basic vocabulary when you are doing your Swedish Genealogy.
Ankom | Arrive, be due |
Anmärkningar | Remark, observation |
Anteckningar | notes |
Backstugu | Back cottage, family living in back |
Begrepp | Concept, idea, notion |
Begått | Commit, perpetrate, peform, carry out |
Bevistat | Attend, be present at |
Blinda | blind |
Bortflyttade | Move away |
By | village |
Dag | day |
Död | Dead, death |
Döfstumma | Deaf-mute |
Eller | or |
Embete | See Ämbete |
Enkl. eller Enka. | See änkling eller änklingen |
Fattighjon | pauper |
Flyttning ifrån | Moving from |
Flyttad | moving |
Fräjd | character, standing |
Främmande | Strange, forgeign |
Från | from |
Födde | Born, give birth to |
Födelse (-ses) | Birth |
Födelse År | Birth year |
Förhör. | Household Examination |
Förklaring | Explanation, declaration |
Förstår | understand |
Gift | married |
H. H. Nattvard | Herrens Heliga Nattvard (The Lords Holy Communion) |
Haft Koppor | Has had small pox |
Hitflyttad | Moved here |
Hushåll | household |
Husförhörsbok | Household Examination Book |
Hustaflan | Twelve short additions to Luther’s catechism which in biblical language emphasize mankind’s obligations and rights |
i | at, in, on, for, to, as, of |
ifrån | from |
Inflyttningsattest | Moving-in certificate |
Inhyses | Cottager, person living at, lodger |
Innan läsning | |
Kom | Come from |
Koppor | Pox (vattenkoppor Chicken pox, Smittkopper small pox) |
Kristendomskunskap | Christen knowledge |
Lutheri mindre Chateches | Luther’s Small Catechism |
Luthers Cataches | Luther’s Catechism |
Lyten | Defect, blemish, fault, deformation (old Swedish) |
Län | County |
Läser uti Bok | Read from the book |
Läsning utantill | Reciting without the book |
Mån. och dag. | Month and day |
Månad | month |
Namn | name |
Nationalitet | nationality |
Nattvard | The Holy Communion, the Sacrament |
Nattvardsgång | Partaking of the Holy Communion |
Nata, Natus (Latin) | born |
Naven och Hemvist | Name and Residence |
Nummer | number |
Näringsfång | Source of (means of earning a) livelihood, business, industry |
och | and |
Om | Within, about, again, anew, about, |
Omständigheter | circumstance |
Ort | Place, neighborhood, locality |
Pagina (latin) | page |
Personernas | the person’s |
Psalm | Psalm –bok (book) |
Rymd | to remove, to run away, desert |
Socken | parish |
Spörsmål (old Swedish) | question |
Stad | City, town |
Ställe | place |
Stånd | Stand, station, state, condition |
Svagsint | Weak of mind |
Svebilius Cateches | Olov Svebilius Catechism |
Särskilt | Particular, special |
Tabula Decon(Latin) | |
Till | To, untill, at, by |
Utan Bok | Without (the book), by heart |
Utantill | Without (the book), by heart |
Yrke | Occupation, proffesion, trade |
Äktenskap | marriage |
Ämbete | Office, official position, employment, guild |
Änkling eller Änkemand | Widow or Widower |
År | year |
År och Dag | Year and day |