Family History Tips
Explore our curated assortment of advice intended to assist you in conducting your personal genealogy research.

Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Family Tree Is A Skill
Uncovering your family history and delving into the lives of your ancestors often transcends being a mere hobby; for many, it’s a skill honed over a lifetime. The more I engage in genealogy research, the more it captivates me, fueling my desire to learn more about my forebears. I leave so much about them and…
Archaeology Vs. Genealogy Differences Explained
When people look at archaeology and genealogy, they can be a bit confused as to if they are precisely the same thing or something completely different. Some critical differences exist between archaeology and genealogy, even though they both look at history. Archaeology focuses on the material remains of a past society and culture. Archaeologists usually…
How Did Last Names Start?
Today we take it for granted that everyone has a last name or a surname. But this was not always the case in many countries and cultures. Last names or surnames were added to a person’s first name to distinguish them from those with the same first name and who lived in the same area.…
5 Ways To Find A Lost Or Missing Relative Online
When doing your family research, you may think you know of a family you believe you are related to, but you do not know much about them. Luckily there are things you can do to find out more about your long-lost family. If you are looking for a lost and missing relative online, one of…
What Is The Purpose of Genealogy?
Today as more and more people think about their family’s ancestors, they also think about their genealogy. So the question we can ask ourselves is, what is the purpose of genealogy? The purpose of genealogy is to study family, family history, and the tracing of our lineage or our ancestors. The purpose of genealogy goes…
What is Primogeniture or the Law Of Succession?
Some great-grandfathers lived in Europe but chose to immigrate to America instead of staying in Germany or England. One of the reasons they may have made this choice is because of the law of primogeniture or the law of succession. Primogeniture is the law or right for the firstborn legitimate son to inherit their parent’s…